[   dydocon is your ISIS Papyrus partner   ]

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dydocon has been a partner of ISIS Papyrus for many years and has developed into one of the top partners of ISIS Papyrus through many years of trusting cooperation and numerous joint customer projects.

Through the intensive cooperation with ISIS Papyrus, dydocon has created an excellent basis for the holistic planning and implementation of your customer communication management and output management projects.

The ISIS Papyrus certification program ensures that our employees follow the quality requirements as well as the security standards and implementation guidelines and can therefore act as Papyrus Certified Professionals towards customers.

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    dydocon is ISIS Papyrus Partner

    dydocon is a long-standing ISIS Papyrus partner

    Helge Klemm, Geschäftsführer dydocon“We are proud to be able to draw on such expertise,” says Helge Klemm, CEO at dydocon, adding: “We regularly invest in the training and further education of our employees. The dydocon Papyrus Certified Professionals ensure the best possible implementation of your ISIS Papyrus projects and ensure your project success.”

    Andreas Porstner, Geschäftsführer dydoconAndreas Porstner, also CEO at dydocon, is also pleased about this expertise within the company: “Our primary goal is to offer our customers services of the highest quality. With our experienced experts, we can offer exactly that.”

    Whether project work or support in day-to-day business – we program and configure for you:

    • Papyrus Platform Products
    • Papyrus Outbound Products
    • Papyrus Correspondence Framework
    • Papyrus Designer / DocExec
    • Papyrus Post Processing
    • AFP Designer
    • Papyrus Server / WebControl / WebRepository / WebArchive / Host
    • Papyrus Objects

    The dydocon staff

    • master the ISIS Papyrus product range,
    • are proven experts with many years of project experience,
    • have the technical know-how for the company’s old stock,
    • can thus provide optimal support in analyzing the legacy system and its continued operation during the project phase,
    • take on all output management tasks – from simple script programming to complex project management,
    • come from Germany, Switzerland and Austria and are therefore able to cover a large area with on-site services!

    Contact us now

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