The future-proof approach and the flexibility of the platform allow us to offer you maximum efficiency in the interaction with your end customers as well as the optimization and expansion of your communication channels.
The IBM Output Management Factory is based on the latest technical and professional standards and creates free capacity that you may use to focus on your core business.
The IBM Output Management Factory offers numerous advantages
Output Management ist vielschichtiger denn je und bietet Ihrem Unternehmen neue Möglichkeiten verbunden mit neuen Fragestellungen:
» Welche Output Kanäle müssen angebunden werden, wie werden diese zielgruppengerecht eingesetzt?
» Welche Datenformate müssen verarbeitet, gebündelt und ausgegeben werden können?
» Wie können bereits bestehende Output Management Systeme in ein zukunftsfähiges Modell überführt werden?
» Was gilt es bezüglich der Datensicherheit und des langfristigen, zuverlässigen Betriebs zu beachten?
In future corporate structures, output management will remain one of the few interfaces through which a company comes into contact with its end customers. Consequently, targeted interaction with customers is a key factor in the success of companies.
The numerous advantages of the software include format independence, high flexibility and stability in the processing procedure thanks to parallelization and extensive configuration options for cloud-based multi-channel output management.
The IBM Output Management Factory is more than just another product that replaces a discontinued product. The Factory offers a set of managed services, ready-made technical and functional components as well as the possibility to integrate your existing developments and thus secure your previous investments.
Increased level of standardization
Consistent standardization sustainably reduces the tasks associated with output management.
Flexible technology and service integration
Our technologies and services run in the IBM Cloud. By integrating them into your IT environment in line with your needs, you can minimize the costs involved.
Strengthening your customer relations
The targeted use of the appropriate communication channel enables you to personalize customer communication and create new business opportunities.
Sustainable resource and cost management
By avoiding peak loads and choosing alternative shipping channels, we support your sustainability goals and reduce costs.
Security in accordance with legal standards
Compliance with and implementation of legal and regulatory requirements in our service provides further relief for your IT.
Return to your expertise
We take care of operations and the technical challenges of today and tomorrow, while you can concentrate on your core business.
How the IBM Output Management Factory works
Optimized output – Improved customer communication – Growth
The IBM Output Mangement Factory is a fully managed service that enables the creation, management and delivery of different types of output documents, such as print, PDF or HTML. The service ensures that data can be converted into a variety of formats and distributed to different channels. The Output Management Factory automates the creation of output in a factory-like process, i.e. optimizing the creation process and the delivery of large volumes of output.
All in conjunction with your company’s existing systems.
Overall, the IBM Output Management Factory enables organizations to automate and streamline the process of creating and delivering large volumes of output, while providing the flexibility to personalize and customize output as needed.
It also provides the ability to track, monitor and analyze the output production process to improve efficiency and performance.
The result: maximum usable data output.
Our services: Standardized and flexible
The IBM Output Management Factory provides you with various services that can be freely combined with each other.
This is how we create a customized package for you.
Output Management as a Service (OMaaS)
With OMaaS, you are able to completely outsource your output management to us. Your output channels are optimized, and you get the option of tracking – all securely in the IBM Cloud.
Output Management Operations
Put the entire operation and optimization of your output management system in the hands of our experienced experts. We take care of the rest – GDPR-compliant and on the basis of harmonized service level agreements.
Output Management Standards
With standardization in the framework, we enable comprehensive standardization at every level of the output management factory, incorporating market standards and state-of-the-art technologies.
Document Factory
With our comprehensive expertise, we support you in redesigning, refactoring or migrating your document portfolio.
Output Management Analytics
We provide you with key figures and standard reports in graphical form. Our experts generate valuable insights and forecasts from your data – so you can keep a close eye on the status of your output.
Focused Cost Management
Through targeted measures, we support you in sustainably reducing output management costs.
The IBM Output Management Factory is based on strong and reliable partners
Do you have any questions or would you like a non-binding consultation?

Andreas Porstner

Helge Klemm
Additionally, we offer our own products:
dydoconnect takes data from existing leading systems and converts it to a modern output management system. The data is clearly structured and made easy to read so that the subsequent output management system can access the data directly and consistently. During the conversion, enrichment can take place via static content. For example, the company footer can be saved as a valid configuration for each client. Development time per document is significantly reduced by this conversion, as the data is supplied in a standardized form.
dydocontrol ensures end-to-end document tracking across the entire process chain. Starting at the time of delivery from inventory systems (correspondence request) through to final delivery to the recipient, be it via mail, portal, print and postal dispatch or other dispatch channels. dydocontrol enables operational control, thus facilitating error analysis and creating the prerequisites for the resumption of interrupted processes within the process chain. The collected data is made available for statistical analysis via a business intelligence connection.
dydoconjure allows to meet the growing demand for high-quality test data and mock data in software development and other areas. With the help of a modern web interface and easy-to-learn syntax, test data can be generated within minutes, reducing development effort and allowing users to create a wealth of data for a variety of test cases. Do you only need individual documents? Just press a button and dydoconjure will output them. Do you need input data to test your batch process? Set the desired number of documents and dydoconjure will generate them for you within seconds.
dydocontrast is an application that enables the textual comparison of PDF files. One of the main requirements for many migrations between different output management systems is that the documents in the new application generate the same content as the old documents. The different formatters almost always render the texts differently despite having the same fonts, so that a pure pixel comparison would result in a difference (delta). It is not uncommon for the new document generator to create page breaks that did not exist in the old system. However, the content of the text must be the same.