The first half of 2021
A long, long time has gone by since our last entry in the ‘Events’ section. Slowly the first of our consultants can start to work on site again. But neither has the lockdown stopped us from working nor have there been no events. It’s all just been a bit ‘different’.
At the beginning of March, the virtual GSE Guide Share Europe took place, fascinating presentations and interesting chats, this time obviously mainly about the challenges of our new, uninvited digital working environment.
At the beginning of March, the virtual GSE Guide Share Europe took place, fascinating presentations and interesting chats, this time obviously mainly about the challenges of our new, uninvited digital working environment.
Shortly thereafter we attended the virtual ISIS Papyrus Software Open House, where our oldest partner showed us his newest technology. Very interesting and enlightening!
And now we look forward to our very own, first, real, personal, get together in Berlin, where we will all see each other again! Our summer event in Berlin, where we will catch up on last years cancelled 20 years of dydocon celebration. Fingers crossed and stay tuned!
And now we look forward to our very own, first, real, personal, get together in Berlin, where we will all see each other again! Our summer event in Berlin, where we will catch up on last years cancelled 20 years of dydocon celebration. Fingers crossed and stay tuned!